What came in mind first once I received this massive 88 A4pages 'zine was "Holy shit, phat first issue, very nicely designed layout-wise and it seems to have tons of stuff to read !!!", and after having read this Some Will Never Know #1 three times as of now, I'm still highly impressed by the amazing work Pim had to do to complete such a hardcore fanzine masterpiece !
So let's talk about the content, no reviews and who cares when you have such awesome in-depth interviews with interesting fellows : Jonah Jenkins (Only Living Witness, Milligram, Miltown, Raw Radar War), Patrick Kitzel (True Blue, Reaper Records, Spawn), Harm Haverman (Reaching Forward, Razor Crusade, Modern Life Is War), Andrew Westerhouse (Aversionline.com, Due Process), Ronald Boorsma (Not Just Words Records), Sean Riley (1917 Records), Rob Huiskes (Light The Fuse), Didier Baert (Losing Streak), Wouter Jansen (Permanent Mark, Clocked In zine), as well as really interesting "How To..." guides and few columns here and there... according to me, most of these being some of the best "hardcore" readings ever !
Just one more thing to add, I highly recommend to pick this up asap through Pim's cool distro here for only 3,50 € + shipping !
Good news is that Pim already started working on issue #2...more news about this later !